About Us_

Clinical Team

Michael Hann

MNutrDiet (USyd) BSc (ANU) APD AN

Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD)

Michael Hann, APD
Paediatric Dietitian

ARFID & Complex Feeding

Michael has expertise in children who have highly complex presentations of childhood feeding disorders and nutrition issues that are associated with neuro-development, neurological disorders and genetic metabolic disorders.

Michael has previously worked at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and the former Queensland Royal Children’s Hospital, and as a visiting consultant to hospitals and other health services in more than two dozen countries around the world.

As a Paediatric Dietitian, Michael is well known for working with kids who have highly complex problems. His clientele includes many parents who are paediatricians, other medical specialists, GPs and allied health professionals (who have their own children with severe feeding problems associated with neurodevelopment, neurological disorders or genetic metabolic disorders).

Michael Hann, APD


An Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD), registered with Dietitians Australia (DA) and Medicare. A Masters Degree in Nutrition & Dietetics (MNutrDiet) with Distinctions at the University of Sydney (1995)…, a Bachelor of Medical Science (BSc) at the Australian National University (1993)…, and professional certificates in Pre-Hospital Trauma Care and Advanced Life Support, Advanced First Aid, Advanced Resuscitation Therapy, and Emergency Management of Allergies/Anaphylaxis.

Clinical Expertise

My expertise is in providing advanced medical nutrition for children with severely restrictive feeding problems associated with neuro-development, neurological disorders and genetic metabolic disorders. I have expertise in ARFID, other paediatric feeding disorders and inborn errors of metabolism (IEM), including malnutrition and nutrition deficiencies, gastroenterology and metabolic disorders.

Clinical Experience

Former clinical experience in major adult and children’s hospitals, including the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH) and the former QLD Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH). I have worked in paediatric feeding and eating disorders, gastroenterology and metabolic/genetic disorders. I also work in emergency health as a rescue and trauma care medic for disaster response.


A registered dietitian with Dietitians Australia (DA), a member of: the ANZ Academy of Eating Disorders (ANZAED), Rescue Medics Australia, St John Ambulance Qld, Noosa Heads SLSC, the Australasian College of Paramedicine (ACP), and the Australian Tactical Medicine Association (ATMA).


I spend more than 500 hours per year volunteering in the community as a rescue and trauma care medic with Rescue Medics Australia, supporting emergency service response to bush fires, cyclones, floods and other disasters. I also volunteer with Noosa Heads SLSC and St John Ambulance QLD.


After working in Sydney, Melbourne and offshore for many years, we now live on the Sunshine Coast, which provides endless opportunities for surfing, swimming, paddling, river and hinterland adventures - all of it outdoors in nature, every day. Great for physical and mental health and a wonderful way to establish important life long patterns in our kids.

NDIS Tube Feeding Dietitians.

When children leave hospital with feeding tubes, you can transition your ongoing support to us through the NDIS HENS program.

We provide long-term nutrition support to kids with feeding tubes. We work closely with paediatricians, hospital dietitians and NDIS support coordinators to help make the transition smooth and to ensure we have good monitoring and collaboration mechanisms in place.

Our Vision

Advanced medical nutrition and feeding therapy solutions that empower parents to improve the health and development outcomes of children and teens with severe feeding disorders and complex disabilities.

The Mission

At the Paediatric Dietitian Clinic, our mission is to provide advanced medical nutrition for children requiring highly complex clinical care. We are passionate about the importance of developing ourselves as clinicians who are prepared for advanced clinical practice in complex care, through building competencies in scientific practitioner/inquiry models, systems thinking medicine, generative dialogue and compassion.

Our Values

Evidence-Based Care

We use the best possible evidence available, we always offer education to our clients on current research and we actively encourage inquiry to build capacity within parents and families so they are empowered to make high quality decisions about their child’s health.

Respectful Dialogue

We value inclusion, diversity and relatedness through the deeply reciprocal nature of dialogue, rather than getting stuck in patterns of indifference or polarisation, avoidance or aggression, shame or blame, resentment or guilt.  We make room inside ourselves to hold multiple divergent views for genuine inquiry and reflection.

Connecting Dots

Connecting the dots, building shared understanding and fostering alignment matters.  Complex care needs whole-systems thinking and action on many levels, from human health and wellbeing, to integrated care networks, the wider community and the environment in which we live.

Living in Possibility

We live with a commitment to fostering possibility in every situation – with families, clinicians and everyone else. This is particularly important when it feels hardest to be in possibility; when people are sick, tired, stressed, unhelpful or abrasive. We keep mindful through it all and foster the possibility of better relationships and outcomes.

Customer Commitment

We develop relationships that inspire and enable a positive difference in our customers’ lives, whilst striving for clinical excellence in what we do as professionals through research and practice. To us, health is both about the quality of relationship and about our clinical expertise.

Good Citizenship

We provide our services with a commitment to the restorative actions needed within society and for all of nature. We value the expansive interconnected nature of human health, community wellbeing and planetary health. We need healthy ecosystems at local and global levels; all of life depends on a delicate balance of biodiversity and climate.